Did I Not Get the Memo?
Did I somehow not get the memo about how kick "A" fantastic and additive the Twilight series is?
I saw the first movie and thought it was fairly entertaining but it didn't knock my socks off. I mean I am not completely living under a rock, though sometimes I do feel that way, but I knew there were millions of fans going gaga crazy over Bella and Edmund but just couldn't understand why.
So I decided to finally break down last week and pick up Twilight to figure out all the hoopla. And I must say this is addictive!!!!! I am halfway through book two and already I am trying to see if I can get through the series by month end.
I just hope that I don't loose steam and that the level of writing of the first two is maintained throughout the series. That was my biggest complaint with the Sookie Stackhouse "True Blood" novels. The level of writing just went downhill around book 4 or 5.
Did anyone else jump on the Twilight bandwagon waaaaay late?
I just read it this year. I read the 4 books in seven days. Poor hubby. I didn't cook, clean or do any laundry. It was pretty terrible. =) Here's my documentation of the addiction - http://newlywoodwards.blogspot.com/2009/03/7-days-2446-pages.html
Glad you like it, they are fun reads.